Ever had that “I’m never going to wear these ever again!” feeling? I know I did and so did my friends. There’s a lot of people that can attest to the troubles they have had with high heels and the problems that were left with them even after wearing them. It’s easy to form corns, callouses, and blisters when wearing high heels. And not to mention the pain! Anyway, the truth literally hurts. However, you can still manage to wear high heels without hurting your feet. Check out these tips on how to feel comfortable when wearing them:
Don’t go too high – if you can’t manage 3 inches how do you expect to handle 4? Go with the heel size that you're most comfortable and don’t go any further unless you’re willing to stake your comfort for some 4-inch training.
Make sure they fit – the right fit is always important. Since you're not going to be in your usual upright position, you will have a really hard time if your shoes don’t fit. Be sure that they do fit very well.
Go for thicker soles and heels – these are the parts of your high heels that support your feet. The thicker they are the better the support for your feet. In contrast, thinner heels can lead to really sore feet after a couple hours of wearing them.