It’s so sad to think that high heels are so beautiful but for the price of comfort. It’s a shame really, but that’s one fact that you just have to live with if you want to wear high heels. Luckily, many ways have been made in order to alleviate the pain. Well, not entirely but at least it makes the whole high heel experience a lot bearable and less daunting. Read on to know rather simple methods of trimming the pain of wearing high heels:

What works the best is to wear high heel shoes that fit well. No matter how stylish a pair of shoes can be, as long as they don’t fit, it won’t give you the tiniest shred of comfort. Always buy shoes that are well-fitted. Don’t waste your money on a pair that would only be good for display and not for actual use.
Trimming down on the heels. It is a common thought that the higher the heels, the more beautiful a woman can be. As fascinating as they are, high heels tend to build more pressure on your heels and toes for every inch you go up. It’s better to stick with a decent sized heel than to go all the way up.
Use paddings and soft gel insoles. These products are cheap but could may well be the reason you can stick to wearing your high heels for longer.