High heels are known for the pain that would be left for you to endure after a long day’s use. High heels are basically not meant for excessive usage or even long walks. The design itself is not suitable for the body to sustain. However, if you would like to continue wearing high heels, that isn’t a problem. Most experts would not tell you to keep away from high heels but rather be careful in using them. There are ways on how to keep wearing them without feeling discomfort.
When you buy high heels, check the heel placement. Most of the time, the heels are placed at the center. This is the ideal position for the heel because it offers maximum support. On the other hand, there are other designs that have the heels either facing forward or backward. These are the ones that you need to avoid.
Heel thickness is also important. You should pick a heel type that’s proportional to your weight. The heavier you are, the thicker the heel should be. No need to be offended because this is the truth. If you want to make yourself more comfortable wearing high heels, you need to consider wearing the right proportion of heels. Although you can still any heel width you like but if you're looking for comfort, you should think about heel and weight proportion.