I must admit, I love my high heels and I would do just about anything to keep them. That of course, includes how I wear them and keep them. Here are a couple of tips that I came up with after years of wearing high heels and owning a collection of different brands:

Always go for the heels with the best fit. Don’t sacrifice your comfort over style or price. Pick the ones that fits your feet snugly. Don’t buy them if they are too big or small for your feet.
Invest your money on cushions. High heels will make your feet hurt. It’s not a question of yes or no. Heels will make your feet hurt and it is just a matter of time. Invest your money on some well-cushioned pair of heels that are comfortable to wear.

The thicker the heels, the better. When the heels are too thin your feet are more prone to injury than you know. Although thinner heels look sexier, they are not for everyone. Opt for thicker heels if you want more comfort in your experience.
Don’t go for steep slopes. As you may have noticed, some heels have gradual slopes while others are steep. The steep ones are what you need to avoid. They are too painful to bear especially if you wear them for a long time.
Wear close toe heels to give your feet more support. However, this may not be the option if you happen to have corns or callouses.