Ever thought you knew everything about high heels? Think again! You might be in a surprise about the history of these popular shoes that we know of today. Check out these historical tidbits about high heels and how it evolved through the course of time:
Back in the earlier age, Louie XIV was obsessed with high heels that he literally punished men sighted wearing red bottom high heels. If you’re wondering where those glamorous red bottom platforms came from, you better thank Louie XIV for his passion for them.
In the 1630’s women began wearing high heels in protest to the unfair treatment given to women. Unknowingly, these women sparked a change in the pages of history that not only can they be of equal value with men but they can also wear the high heels that men originally wear.
During the age of enlightenment, people were more driven by the practical needs of everyday living than the unnecessary “wants” that was high heels. Soon after that, high heels were nowhere to be seen until the 19th century. Some accounts stated that a bunch of pornographers had nude models wear high heels to accentuate their feminine parts. However, a famous designer came in the scene and gave us the popular brand of high heels that women still wear until this date.