Your shoes protect your foot from making contact with the ground and it also supports your feet as you walk. It also aids in maintaining the proper alignment of your body. This may sound mundane to you but your shoes are not just a fashion item but a necessity.
Imagine yourself walking barefoot on the streets for hours on a daily basis. That will not be very comfortable, correct? Your feet will not have any form of cushion as you take every step on that hard and probably hot cemented floor. When this happens, not only will your feet feel sore but it will also have a negative effect on your spine. As you constantly take on every step with bare foot, your spine will eventually be hit with shock waves that will be extremely painful over time.
With these taken into consideration, you might think that any type of shoes will do. That is not the case. High heeled shoes, admit it or not, cannot provide you with the cushioning that you need when you walk in it. It may prevent you from walking barefoot, but it may still cause foot pain because the pressure will be placed on the balls of your feet as you wear them.
However, this does not mean that you have to give up on high heels. This is one sacrifice that not all women can make especially those who are fashion aficionados or those who are required to wear them on the job. You simply have to find ways to decrease the degree of pain or discomfort that you feel every time you wear them. Simple things like choosing the right size, right feet and right materials can make a big difference.