You just have to admit it, you just can’t walk in a shoe retail shop and buy yourself a new pair of designer shoes. They are just way too expensive to buy. That is why it is necessary to do whatever it is that you can to see to it that they last long enough to say that they were fruitful investments. Here are 3 ways on how you can effectively stretch a couple more years on your designer high heels:
The first step is always the hardest not because it’s tough to do but rather making it a habit. Cleaning your designer heels can be a pain especially if you're stuck in a really busy schedule. On the other hand, you should always take at least 5 minutes of your time to clean your shoes. Your investment won’t last long enough if you don’t.

Don’t let odor sink in. Did you know that you can use household products to rid your shoes of nasty odor? In a bowl, mix a cup of baking soda and corn flour then add a few drops of scented oils. Apply the mixture inside the shoes and let them stay there for at least one night. Dust off the mixture the next morning and you’ll notice that the nasty smell is all gone.