It’s no mystery why your feet get sore after you wear high heels. There are a couple of reasons why. Mainly because high heels are designed for pure eye-candy rather than for comfort. With that simple explanation, your feet are bound to hurt when you wear a pair of pumps. On the other hand, you can still do some hacks on how to make wearing high heels comfortable. Being informed is one thing that you should not skip. Check this out:
Buying high heels is the most critical point. Be sure that you buy high heels that are no more than 3 inches. The ideal heel height is 1.5 inches but 3 is still good enough not to hurt your feet. Don’t buy pointed toe shoes. They hurt your toes really bad that it can dislocate your bones after a while. Buy leather high heels. Don’t go for plastic ones as they don’t let your feet breathe. Avoid thin heeled shoes. The thinner the heel, the more painful it is to wear them.
Purchase your shoes at the end of the day. Throughout the day, your feet shrinks and at the same time expand. It is during the end of the day where your feet would have expanded to its maximum capacity. This will give you a good fit and you won’t find it hard to break in your shoes either.