It is a fact that women can acquire a lot injuries if they are not careful enough of how they wear and buy high heels. Read on to know a couple practical techniques on how to buy and wear high heels in a way that they won’t hurt as much:
Knowing when to buy your shoes is as important as purchasing them - We are not talking about the next big sale or any shopping season here. We’re talking about the time of day. Did you know that your feet shifts in size during the entire day? It actually does. Shop when it’s mid-day. By that time your feet would have swollen up to its maximum state.
Comfortable shoes always have enough cushioning on them - Shoe manufacturers are well aware of the issues that women go through when they wear high heels. That is the reason why these manufacturers made measures to prevent injury and other feet issues when wearing high heels. Check out the high heels that have sufficient paddings in them. You can usually tell by walking in on them.
Your workhorses need a little pampering too - To take good care of your feet after a long day of wearing high heels, dissolve Epsom salts in a warm water solution. Bathe your feet for 30 minutes or more. This softens the skin and promotes healthy blood circulation.