This store also provides celebrity pictures with all red bottom shoes, you can take their ideas directly:
Over the knee boots are one of the high priced shoes in the market. And you can figure out how much they will be priced for red bottom shoes. They are very expensive. But they are fashionable and trendy. Jennifer Lopez is a big fan for red bottom shoes. Even when she has produced shoes under her own name, she still likes to wear red bottom shoes. For this winter, you can catch sexy and slim easily by buying these boots. The price of these boots will no longer be over $1800, they only cost you less than $350 in the store I recommended.
The red patent red soled high heel shoes can be seen as the favorite color for celebs to select on their events. The reason is totally obvious. This color can attract the eye balls instantly as it is the most sensitive colour for people. Jlo revealed a very good way to increase the appealing element. She employed patent leather and shining to get more lights on the outfit.
Shop Jennifer Lopez Boots Now